Page 25 - CafeSocial-July-2021
P. 25
Baba each morning and evening after Further, Adv. Nalini asked “As parents of
praying.” young children, how challenging was this
journey? And what would be the one lesson
Despite the Indian government that you learnt from this journey?” Virginie
offering Pallares family to stay in a stated: “We are travelling with our three
government hotel or building, the Pallares children aged 10, 15, and 20 years.
family found their refuge in the Village of Throughout this entire time, they were never
Kolhua Dala, Uttar Pradesh. The local bored for a single second as they got the
authorities also didn't stay behind, making opportunity to learn a plethora of things
sure the wellbeing of the French family such as travelling, exposure to different
remain their utmost priority. The police religions, countries, landscapes, and
would regularly visit the family for their
geography. Also, they do school online and
security. As per SDM Nutanwa Jasveer Singh, have very good notations. We never make
the family was being provided with all the any advanced “plans” per se; we take it one
necessities they required. Even the French day at a time and mindfully enjoy each day
Embassy stayed in regular contact of the of ours. We think that the most invaluable
family to renew their visa every month as
lesson we learnt was the quintessential need
they are happy, jubilant and satisfied with for us to always stick together and never get
their experience staying in the village.
separated while taking immense care of
each family member.”
To the question “Were you able to
partially learn the local language? And what “Diversity is not about how we differ.
was the most memorable meal of your trip in Diversity is about embracing one another's
India?” the mother daughter duo replied
“Most definitely. After living for 1 year in India, THAT INDIA IS NOT A LAND DIVIDED BY
we have learnt a lot of Hindi words and can DIVERSITY OR RELIGION BUT UNITED BY IT,
also speak Bhojpuri, though it is a little SETTING AN EXAMPLE FOR THE WHOLE
broken. The most memorable meal was WORLD.
Chawal Dal and Sabji cooked with the love of
Sanjay Yadav's mother in lockdown and by
Haridas Baba each morning and evening The above abstract has been inspired
after praying.” from an interview taken
JULY 2021 25