Page 21 - CafeSocial-July-2021
P. 21

MYSTIFYING THE                                   the  Greek  word  “hypnos”,  which  means
                                                               The origin of “hypnosis” is derived from

                                                         “sleep”. Hypnotherapy, essentially induces a
          CURIOUS CASE                                   “trance” or altered state of consciousness in
                                                         the individual to help them achieve a higher
          OF HYPNOSIS                                    level  of  consciousness  or  mindfulness.  The
                                                         concept  of  Hypnosis  can  also  be  found  in
                                                         Indian history. It is known as "Sammohana,"
                                                         and  it  has  been  performed  in  India  since
          Hypnotism  is  as  mystic  as  this            Vedic  times  as  part  of  Yoga  Vidya  (yoga
          world  and  its  incredible  secrets.          knowledge).
          Misba  Shah,  a  practitioner  of
                                                               Hypnotherapy,  a  topic  that  is  often
          hypnosis unfolded the secrets and
                                                         debated and associated with many myths, is
          myth of Hypnotism.                             actually one of the safest and most effective

                                                         modes  of  therapy  available.  It  has  been
                                                         around for a while and has gained a lot of
                                                         popularity around the world because of its
                                                         many benefits.

                                                               In truth, hypnosis is incredibly natural,
                                                         and almost everyone engages in it without
                                                         even realising it. For example, if you've ever
                                                         been so absorbed in a movie or a book that
                                                         you felt touched by it or that it altered your
                                                         emotional state, you've been in a hypnotic

                                                               An individual, under the guidance of a
                                                         trained  Hypnotherapist,  is  guided  into  a
                                                         relaxed  state  of  mind  or  consciousness,  in
                                                         which  they  are  neither  fully  awake  nor
                                                         asleep, but instead have a heightened sense
                    “As you think,                       of  consciousness,  focus  and  awareness  in
              so shall you become.”                      which their brain is more receptive to positive
                                                         suggestions and guided visualisations. As a
                     – Bruce Lee                         result, people are able to not only deal with
                                                         specific  issues,  but  also  achieve  desired
              THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION and the          results and goals in their lives.
        advent  of  technology  has  drastically
        changed  how  society  functions.  There  has          In order to understand how Hypnotism
        been a huge improvement in the quality and       works  we  need  to  categorise  the  human
        standard of life across the world. However, it   mind into three parts,
        has  also  brought  with  it  its  own  share  of
        problems such as increasing levels of stress,    1.    The Conscious Mind (10-12 %)
        anxiety  and  other  mental  health  related     2.    The Subconscious Mind (88-90 %)
        issues. A lot of the issues can be treated by    3.    Critical Filter
        allopathic medicines, however, some issues
        can  be  treated  more  efficiently  using
        alternative methods such as hypnotherapy.
                                                                                                JULY 2021 21
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