
3 Breathing Strategies for Covid Recovery!!

COVID-19 has the potential to impair lung function, making even spontaneous breathing difficult. Even after recovering from COVID-19, many people report dyspnea, impaired ability to exercise, and breathing discomfort. All of our physical functions are affected by poor breathing, and we are unable to release stress and anxiety the way we used to.

Pranayama, or the ancient discipline of managing your breath, has been shown to improve lung function, blood pressure, and brain function, among other things. Pranayama has been shown to help with relaxation and mindfulness in studies.

Breathing occurs spontaneously and without effort, but when we have COVID, our respiratory organs are compromised, making breathing difficult. We must make a conscious effort to practise basic pranayama during this time. When we practice this with intention, it has a positive impact on every organ, muscle, and system in the body, “Grand Master Akshar, a renowned Yoga Guru, adds.

When the body is in a state of balance, it impacts our thinking and causes us to align our actions. This boosts mood, decreases stress, and speeds up recovery. The breath’s job is to bring us into balance, as well as to calm and alert us. With the help of simple breathing exercises, we may control our healing and recovery processes. This technique can also help us become calm and in control, removing panic, stress, and concern, “he continues.

To help you recover from COVID, the yoga instructor recommends three strong breathing techniques:

These breathing techniques can be done for five minutes a day at first, and then gradually increased over time.

1. Bhastrika Pranayama

Bhastrika Pranayama’s Importance

Bhastrika means “below” in Sanskrit, while pranayama means “breathing exercises” in Sanskrit. The sound created by your breath while doing this pranayama is similar to the sound made by blacksmiths’ bellows, and the practice of Bhastrika helps build the body’s capacity.

2. Bhramari Pranayama

Importance of Bhramari Pranayama

Bhramari Pranayama is from the word “Bhramar” which means bumble, Bee. The meaning of Pranayama is breathing technique. It can also be called ‘bee breath’. Bhramari reduces fatigue and mental stress, and in this technique, the exhalation sound resembles the humming sound of a bee hence it is called Bhramari pranayama.

3. Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing)

Anulom Vilom Pranayam is a different way of breathing. The phrases “Anuloma” and “Viloma” signify “natural order” and “moving against” in Sanskrit. Anulom Vilom Pranayam relieves depression, tension, and anxiety, and consistent practise has been shown to be beneficial to overall health.

If you have COVID-19, these three breathing techniques of Brahmari, Basthrika, and Anulom Vilom pranayama would be extremely beneficial. They should be done properly in order to go deeper and reap numerous physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. As a result, it’s critical that you devote sufficient time to mastering them.

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