Page 14 - CafeSocial-July-2021
P. 14


                                                     AND RELEARN

                                               A teacher is one who never stops learning.
                                                   A candid chat of Adv. Surabhi with
         MR. ASHOK KUMAR SINGH                    Mr. Ashok Kumar Singh on education,
              Educator, Author,                            teacher and students.
         Researcher & Psychologist

             A  teacher  is  one  who  never  stops      Commerce; I decided to pursue Bachelors in
        learning,  which  has  been  proven  true  by    Education. Hence in a time where teaching
        Ashok Kumar Singh. An educationist for 26        was  not  taken  as  a  serious  career,  I  can
        years, he is indeed an inspiration. A teacher,   proudly say that I am a teacher by choice
        administrator,  author,  psychologist,           and not by chance.
        researcher, and a sportsperson who has only
        recently  acquired  yet  another  degree  in     Sounds like this was your dream career.
        psychology,  Mr.  A.K.  Singh  is  the  perfect   With what purpose did you proceed on
        embodiment  of  a  learned  educator             this path?
        quintessential  to  the  modern  education             Every teacher has once been a student,
        system. Our Editor Surabhi Sankhla grabbed       haven't  they?  As  a  student  in  school  and
        the  opportunity  to  interview  him  and        college,  I  learned  how  a  teacher  actually
        understand  better  about  his  journey  and     never  really  “Teaches”;  he  merely  has  to
        choices along with his useful insights on the    inspire  learning  mindset  in  students,  the
        current times.
                                                         desire to learn. Once that flame has been lit
        Undoubtedly  service  is  a  noble               in the minds of the students, it will find a way
                                                         to provide its own fuel. Education can never
        profession,  but  what  brought  you  into
        education?                                       be  restricted  to  a  syllabus  no  matter  how
                                                         comprehensively it is drafted. It is always a
             Some  incidents  feel  so  fresh  in  the   dynamic process. Yes, I can teach a child a
        mind! On a usual morning of 21st July 1993, I    concept, a fact and even technique, but what
        met my neighbor outside my house, who to         makes the children imbibe this teaching is
        my surprise mentioned, “Ashok, I heard your      their will to learn and that for me is the entire
        tutees  discussing  about  your  way  of         purpose of education!
        teaching and they all were looking satisfied
        with the way you taught them accountancy.        26 years of experience as an educationist
                                                         in the Indian Education System is indeed
        Why  don't  you  choose  teaching  as  a
                                                         an achievement. Trace us on a path of this
        career?”  In  those  days  I  was  thinking  of
                                                         journey of yours.
        doing MBA because my father wanted to see
        me as a manager in a reputed company. But                It  was  in  the  Monsoon  of  1994  that  I
        this simple observation of my neighbor aunt      taught my first lecture in a school. I was an
        had me thinking all week long. What better       amateur and had started without an idea. I
        way to pursue my strengths as a career? That     would simply go and translate in a simpler
        is what brought me to become a teacher and       language what was given in the book. It so
        immediately after completing my Masters in       went on till the monsoon of 96, when I joined
                                                         the boarding house of the school. That was
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