Page 11 - CafeSocial-July-2021
P. 11
Exception is always there but how many can
experience or visualize such exception
without any chaos. Thoughts of Management Prithviraj Dhariwal
Counselor &
Stalwart Prithviraj Dhariwal on exception. Business Consultant
EXCEPTION IS A HARD FACT. Exceptions practical to follow by all. If law makers try to
are always there right from the start of make law with 100% compliances, it may not
universe in the creativities and activities achieve and at the same time it becomes
performed by man and even by God. Since it complex and difficult to comply by people,
is true fact, it is necessary to understand it so even those with the mind set of following the
that a fair estimate may be made and law. This practical aspect is important and
provided for in every business of the life. must be considered in the best interest of
people and governances.
By understanding it is clearly well in
advance, one do not feel regret when But Exceptions should not be restricted
exceptions are noticed in the final outcome, to rulebooks as life cannot be controlled
as while Beginner may understand rules, absolutely by it nor are exceptions always a
veterans are the once who knows exceptions bad thing, as when you do business, you
intimately. It is accepted easily if it is more or c re a te exc e p t i o n s to c re a te n e w
less as per the assessment. However, in case opportunities. It is also true that every
of variations one has to review the basis on business will have issues related to bad debt,
which estimates were made as to any theft, mistakes, carelessness etc. these
change in the circumstances or presumed exceptions are, if provided while planning,
certain aspects wrongly. This will help in will help in better planning, opportunities,
making fare estimates of exceptions in governances and achievements.
But Exceptions may sometimes do HARM THEM, MAKE EXCEPTIONS THEIR
more harm than good as confusion creates BOON. THIS APPLIES IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE;
chaos and as exceptions to rules create HENCE UNDERSTANDING EXCEPTIONS AND
confusion; there must also be a provision as PLANNING ACCORDINGLY WILL ULTIMATELY
to how to deal with such exceptions and RESULT IN MANAGING A BETTER LIFE AND
whether there are possibilities of further RESULTS.
reducing them.
In view of above it is very important for
law makers also to consider the fact of
exceptions. Laws should be made which are
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