Page 36 - CafeSocial-July-2021
P. 36

section.9  of  IT  stated  that:  An  asset  or  a   proposed to restore the principle amount of
        capital asset, being any share or interest in a   the retrospective tax paid by the concerned
        c o m p a n y   o r   e n t i t y   re g i s t e re d   o r   legal entities. Subject to certain conditions
        incorporated outside India, shall be deemed      only will the legal entities be able to reap the
        to have been situated in India, if the share of   benefit of the amendment:
        the interest derives, directly or indirectly, its
        value substantially from the assets located      1.    The companies will have to withdraw
        in India.                                        all  the  pending  cases  in  respect  of
                                                         retrospective taxation
              At   t h a t   t i m e,   m a j o r   ove rs e a s
        organisation  has  warned  retrospective         2.    Furnishing of an undertaking that no
        taxation would hurt investor sentiment, as it    claims for interest, cost, damages etc. will be
        would  create  a  new  tax  burden  on  the      filed against government of India
        transaction that was not taxable at the time
        it was carried out. This in turn would make      CONCLUSION
        the  investors  vary  of  the  unpredictable               With  the  havoc  which  Covid-19  has
        scenario which would hurt their pockets in
        the  long  run.  And  they  were  right  in  their   caused  to  the  economy  of  India,  the
                                                         reasoning of the Finance ministry was that
                                                         they want to make India as investor friendly
                                                         as  possible.  But  on  the  other  hand,  it  is
              By  2021,  there  are  about  17  cases  in
                                                         popularly believed that due to the pressure
        progress against the retrospective taxation.
        Among these, the four high stack cases which     posed by the Vodafone and Cairns case, the
                                                         government  has  no  choice  but  to  bring
        the finance ministry is eager to resolve are
                                                         about  this  amendment  in  order  to  save
        Cairn energy & PUCL (USD $1.2 Billion), New      themselves from long drawn disputes. Now, it
        singular wireless (USD $16.03 million), WNS      depends  on  the  affected  companies
        Capital  (USD  $6.33  million)  and  Vodafone
                                                         whether  they  want  to  abide  by  the
        (USD $6.03 million). As per CBDT Chairperson
                                                         conditions imposed by the Government and
        JP Mohapatra told media recently, the Indian     resolved the matter amicably or keep on the
        government  will  have  to  pay  roughly  USD    path of pursuing damages through dispute
        $1.075  Billion  to  the  above  stated  four    resolution, hoping to get a favourable award
        companies,  excluding  interests,  costs  and    eventually.
                                                            ( Adv. Nalini Mishra, Author is an Associate
        2021  AMENDMENT-  A  SMART  STRATEGY              Partner of Singhania & Co. LLP, assisted by Ms.
        OR AN EXERCISE IN FUTILITY                               Pratibha Sharma, Legal Intern)
              With  an  unexpected  but  highly             The views expressed herein are those of the
        applauded  move,  the  government  has
                                                          author and do not necessarily reflect the views
        introduced the Income tax amendment bill              of Singhania & Co. LLP or its partners.
        of  2021.  While  not  omitting  the  2012
        amendment  from  the  statue,  the  2021
        amendment only add that no tax demand
        will  be  raised  based  on  2012  retrospective
        amendment  on  indirect  transfer  of  Indian
        assets. For this benefit to arise, the transfer of
        shares shouldn't have taken place after 2012.
        While  this  amendment  will  only  apply  for
        retrospective tax paid for transfer of shares
        prior  to  2012,  the  government  has  also

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