Page 30 - Cafe-Social-June-2021
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marriages are not socially acceptable in the the person converting. This criminal force has a
Indian social fabric due to which couples may chilling effect, particularly on the person
be left with no choice but to convert to the converting, due to which their willingness and
other religion for marrying their loved one. This judgment to convert may be clouded due to
situation of being left with “no choice” is fear from state action. URCO of UP 2020 is
equivalent to being under indirect pressure; in also criticized because the “burden” of proof to
these types of situations, the individuals prove that the conversion was willful and valid
converting may/may not realize that they are falls only on the person “causing” such
under such pressure as they fail to recognize it. conversion. The opinion of the person
It is also possible that these individuals may converting is not considered, which, again,
falsely disguise such pressure as their “true” leads to the creation of an imbalance of power.
consent only to marry their loved ones. Thus, to Since the Anti-Conversion law was
prevent such scenarios, the Anti-Conversion implemented, 86 people have been booked in
Law was implemented.
16 cases involving allegations of religious
Does the Anti-Conversion Law Invade conversion for love or marriage among Hindus
One’s Privacy and Freedom of Personal and Muslims in Uttar Pradesh alone. The key
Choice? accused in these cases are majorly Muslims.
First Information Reports (FIRs) have also been
However, the URCO of UP 2020 has been filed in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and other
heavily criticized because it allegedly violates states. In these FIRs, some claim that the
individuals’ fundamental freedom to religion, conversion was willful, accompanied by the
freely marry a person of their own choice, and parents’ testimony, whereas the other claim
privacy. This is because, according to that they were under undue influence and
UPPURCO 2020, the inter-faith couple is allurement on the false promise of marriage.
required to inform the District Magistrate 2
months prior about their conversion before Conclusion
converting. After such notice, the police will Therefore, considering the consequences
investigate to identify the “real intention, mentioned above, although the Anti-
purpose, and cause” of the proposed religious Conversion Law was implemented to protect
conversion. This disclosure and investigation individuals, especially women, from forced
heavily interfere and disrupt the couples’ conversions, the legal and practical effect is yet
private lives and go against various precedents to fully unfold as this law has been challenged
of the Supreme Court that upheld individuals’ for its constitutional validity in various High
autonomy and personal choice. Courts wherein final decision remains pending.
Present scenario after the law has Disclaimer — The views, thoughts, and
come into the effect, applicability of opinions expressed through the piece of article
the penal provision, and upon whom of article are the personal views of the author
the burden of proof lies? and do not, in any way, represent the official
policy or position of the author’s employer or any
If it is established that such conversion is not organization the author is a part of. The article
willful, then not only is the person causing such does not intend to hurt, degrade, or disrespect
any individual, organization, or community.
conversion being criminally penalized but so is
30 JUNE 2021