It is likely that you eat meals like Dal-Chawal and Dal-Roti frequently if you follow a typical Indian diet. Indians make really creative meals with their favourite Dals. It has a high demand in the market as it is a staple meal. A wide variety of brands are available for purchasing, however not all of them meet the necessary nutritional standards for Dals. The primary reason for this is the processing that is done on it to give it a smoother texture. But as people became more conscious of the need of eating a healthy diet, they began to select food items that are organic, minimally processed or unprocessed.

You’ll notice that the Dals from various brands that are sold in the market have a glossier, colourful appearance. These Dals go through several levels of processing through oil, water etc. and polishes to obtain that aesthetic appeal.
Additionally, using unhygienic water often adds impurities making it unhealthy. Owing to the several layers that are being added during polishing, these Dals also take a lot of time to cook. During the milling process, the polishing step eliminates the outer husk. Some nutrients and fibre are lost as a result of this.
Moreover, it raises the glycemic index, which may result in a rise in blood sugar levels after eating it.In addition to being abundant in nutrients including protein, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc and thiamine, unpolished Dal is rich in soluble and insoluble fibre. It also retains better flavour and taste.
Why Do Manufacturers Offer Polished Dals for Sale?
These pulses have an extended shelf-life because of polishing operation Dal stocks can be held by manufacturers for longer periods of time and sold when the price is more attractive. Additionally, such manufacturers sometimes re-polish the Dals and re-pack to make them appear like new whenever a stock gets old. Although this increases revenue for the manufacturer, it may be harmful to your health. By promising that polishing eliminates pesticides from the Dal’s top layer, these firms want to convince consumers to purchase their processed Dals. If you are worried about eliminating pesticides from unpolished Dals, you may also do so by giving the Dals a good wash and cooking in a pressure cooker.
What makes unpolished dal superior to polished dal?
Take a look at the reasons why unpolished Dal is healthier and superior to polished Dal. In fact, you can taste and experience the true flavour of the Dal by using the unpolished Dal. The taste of unpolished Dals is more satisfying than the unnaturally produced one that comes with polished ones. Unpolished Dals will cook considerably more quickly and easy to digest. Dals lose nutrients when they are processed or polished too much. Therefore, if you’re attempting to follow a healthy diet, a processed Dal won’t help you at all. In order to obtain most of the nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates and fibres, you will need to switch to unpolished Dals. In conclusion, given its nutritional content, health advantages and vegan status, unpolished Dal is clearly superior to polished Dal. Replace your current polished Dals with unpolished Dals to enhance your well-being.

Assistant Professor, Campus-College of Horticulture,
Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Agriculture University (RVSKVV, Gwalior)
Mandsaur(MP)458001. Mo- 079 743 8912