




The much-awaited event, Mrs. Uttar Pradesh – Queen of Uttar Pradesh (Season-2), took place on the 29th of July at the elegant Ramada Lucknow in a great celebration of elegance, grace, and empowerment. This event, which highlighted the many talents and ambitions of married women in the area, was more than simply a display of grace and beauty. It also demonstrated a firm dedication to women’s emancipation.

The event was a huge success thanks in large part to Madhukamal Motions Pictures‘ kind support. They showed their dedication to advancing gender equality and giving women the chances they deserve by supporting an event that focuses on women’s empowerment.

Rushmi Dake, the managing director of Madhukamal Motion Pictures, is a role model who shows that ambitions are ageless. Rushmi has pursued her hobbies with unwavering tenacity in a time when many people are looking for a more laid-back lifestyle. She has walked the runways for several designers and even appeared as a calendar girl in Lokmat newspaper. She was a previous Mrs. Maharashtra and Mrs. India Runner Up. Rushmi’s incredible path has brought her into the world of fashion and beauty pageants, where she has co-organised the enthralling Mrs. Uttar Pradesh Queen of Uttar Pradesh, a renowned beauty pageant for married women. Her involvement with Mrs. India The Goddess also demonstrates her dedication to promoting the power and elegance of women in all of their variety. Her experience serves as a reminder that self-belief and unbreakable resolve may make aspirations come true.

Meher Abhishek has made a lasting mark on the entertainment business as a seasoned actor and producer with more than ten years of expertise in the world of glamour. He went beyond the big screen as the creator of Madhukamal Motion Pictures to develop significant projects. He came up with the concept of “Mrs Uttar Pradesh-Queen of Uttar Pradesh and Mrs India-The Goddess,” a platform that promotes the strength, grace, and abilities of women, with a desire to empower married women. Meher Abhishek’s transition from the public eye to the world of social impact is a good example of his commitment to making a difference and giving women the chance to shine.

Events like Mrs. Uttar Pradesh – Queen of Uttar Pradesh (Season-2) serve as significant symbols of change in a world where women continue to smash stereotypes and question expectations. They serve as a reminder that empowerment is a journey that calls for commitment, bravery, and teamwork. The experiences of the Silver and Gold Category winners will definitely reverberate as a monument to the unwavering spirit of women in Uttar Pradesh and beyond as they continue to inspire others.

The pageant, which was in its second season, exceeded all expectations by giving married women a distinctive platform to express themselves, their aspirations, and their viewpoints on women’s empowerment. This event went beyond the usual beauty criteria to emphasise the significance of inner strength, intellect, and community participation, with a focus on creating change and advancement.
Every aspect of the pageant reflected the event’s main subject, “Empowerment,” in some way. The whole process, from the auditions to the final coronation, centred around recognizing the accomplishments and potential of married women in Uttar Pradesh. Contestants presented their achievements in a variety of industries, including business, social service, education, and the arts. This focus on their accomplishments reaffirmed the notion that a queen is someone who possesses qualities such as integrity, intellect, and a dedication to having a constructive influence on society in addition to physical beauty.

Winners of Season-2 – Silver Category:

The Silver Category winners unquestionably stole the show with their extraordinary skills and determination to making a difference:

Hena Mohi was the Silver Category winner, demonstrating her tenacity and dedication to her cause. Her accomplishments and fight for women’s emancipation served as an example to everyone.

Dr. Niharika Tyagi (First Runner Up) Dr. Niharika Tyagi’s path is proof that intelligence and beauty go hand in hand. Her commitment to her job and her initiatives to encourage women are genuinely admirable.
Capt. Sarita Rajput, (second runner up) Because of her extraordinary career path in a male-dominated industry and her unwavering determination to remove obstacles for women, Capt. Sarita Rajput stands out as a bright example of female empowerment.

Winners of Season-2 – Gold Category:

The Gold Category winners emphasised the power and will of women to effect change in the following ways:

Dr. Neeru Mittal was the winner; her victory in the Gold Category was evidence of her commitment to her job and her support of women’s health and wellbeing.

Ritu Samant, (first runner up). Ritu Samant’s transformation from ordinary to extraordinary and her initiatives to encourage and empower women showed off her incredible fortitude and strength.
Dr. Monika Agrawal, (Second Runner Up). Dr. Monika Agrawal has established herself as a role model for young girls and women due to her successes in the medical field and commitment to promoting women’s health awareness.
Rather than encouraging intense rivalry, the pageant encouraged a sense of friendship among the participants. This friendship marked a significant break from conventional beauty pageants and emphasised the significance of women encouraging and supporting one another. Mrs. Uttar Pradesh pageant served as a reminder that collective power paves the way for cultural change in an era where women’s unity is more important than ever.

The victors of Mrs. Uttar Pradesh – Queen of Uttar Pradesh (Season-2) were more than simply crowns; they were lights of hope for change. Women all around the area would be inspired to pursue their goals and accept their responsibilities as social change agents by their experiences and successes.

Without a question, the event was a crucial step towards a more inclusive, empowered, and progressive Uttar Pradesh. The pageant exemplified the genuine essence of beauty, which is a blend of inner strength, intelligence, and dedication to make the world a better place. It did this by commemorating the accomplishments of married women and giving them a forum to express their opinions. As this extraordinary event came to a close, the dedication to women’s empowerment remained in the forefront, serving as a bright example for times to come.

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