नीव के पत्थर

A Day in the Life of a Bus Conductor

"For us, every once in a while, there comes a passenger who actually sits and talks to us. Telling them…

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A Day in the Life of ‘Office Assistant’ in a Corporate

They are an essential part of any workplace. They are the ones who keep the show running

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India has the largest Postal Network in ​the world with over 1, 55,015 Post Offices.The network has registered a seven-fold…

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Work is Worship; The city cleaners; who help keep the environment healthy for us.

A garbage collector is a waste managementprofessional who works for private and government waste management organizations. There are millions of…

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टाटा स्मारक अस्पताल, मुम्बई के डॉक्टर पी. एन. जैन से बातचीत के पल

– Er. Vidhi Praveen Jain RJ, Vividh Bharti, Ali Sayed. कैंसर का प्राणघातक रोग आज भारत में बहुत तेजी से…

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Parasnath Kharwar – “Story of a dedicated Security Guard”

Neev Ke Pathar

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Story of Mohhamad Zafar, A Delivery Man!!

Growing old is inevitable, but growing up is optional: Story of Mohammad Zafar a Delivery Man; Humility with Excellence –…

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पशु हमारे दुश्मन नहीं दोस्त हैं!!

पशु हमारे दुश्मन नहीं दोस्त हैं, इनको भी जीने का अधिकार हमसे कम नहीं : रश्मि शर्मा– संजीव जैन अपने…

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“Never Give Up, Never Back Down”

“Never Give Up, Never Back Down” A true story of hardship,determination, and a blithesome approach to life-Shridhar Rane In continuation of…

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Some stories serve as admirable examples of hope and courage. Despite the cruel blows of fate, their will is neither…

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