Page 6 - Cafe Social Covid Special2 2020
P. 6

Cafe Social                                                                                                                          #stay@home_edition 02

    Madhya Pradesh Anandi Ben Patel for their outstanding   The concept emphasizes on sustainable and equitable
    contribution  in  the  field  of  rural  development.    Smart  development  by  providing  basic  amenities  like
    Village Dhanora: a graffiti of determination of an 11-year-  sanitation,   safe   drinking   water,   internal   roads,
    old boy:                                                plantation,  water  conservation  and  livelihood  training
                                                            at  the  same  time  inculcating  moral  values  in  the
    One person can change the psyche of the society.
                                                            society  with  the  object  of  improving  the  standard  of

    The  village  Dhanora  is  a  small  village  in  the  state  of  living  of  the  villagers.  The  concept  is  founded  on  five
    Rajasthan with the population of around 2000. Like      elements i.e. Retrofitting, Redevelopment, Green fields,

     other Indian villages, it was devoid of sanitation facility,  E-Pan  and  Livelihood.  To  develop  Dhanora  as  smart

     internal  roads,  access  of  potable  water,  water   village  the  meeting  of  all  stakeholders  (villagers,
     conservation  system  and  suffered  encroachment  of  including  women  and  youths  and  representatives  of
     the roads, electrical power fluctuation, non-availability  Gram Panchayat etc.) was organized and detailed plan
     of  employment-oriented  education,  unemployment      and strategy was decided. The aspirations of villagers
     and poverty so on and so forth. These and many other   of  Dhanora  were  enormous,  thus  considering  the
     problems were witnessed by him from his childhood.     enthusiasm and aspirations of villagers, the movement
     The ideas and dream for transformation of his village  was  launched.  Sense  of  awareness  and  active  public
     catapulted  into  action  on  interaction  with  Prof.  participation  of  the  stakeholders  are  the  keys  to  any
     Priyanand  Agale  and  Eco  Needs  Foundation.  The    change  in  the  society.    To  create  awareness,  the  first
     concept  of  a  Smart  Village  was  thus  formalized  with  women Panchayat was organised and issues related to
     the  focus  on  all  round  human  development  and    women  like  sanitation,  use  of  toilets,  use  of  sanitary
     arresting the rapid deterioration of natural resources   pads, their role in shaping future of kids and girl child

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