Page 13 - Cafe Social Covid Special2 2020
P. 13
Cafe Social #stay@home_edition 02
away. The industry or work which one wishes to 2019 the top 5 richest people are
make one’s own has to be familiar. One can’t think (Top two are not Americans)
of venturing out and trying then and there because Carlos Slim Hela, Latin (Americas biggest telecom firm)
then the chances of failure would be very high. This Amani Ortega, Spanish, (Zaran Fashion clothing fame)
planning and internal brain storming is imperative Larry Ellison. (Founder Oracle Corporation)
since we will then do Mark Zuckerberg. (Founder FB)
# Dip stick of oneself as a stake holder in terms of Warren Buffett.
knowledge, capabilities (especially if we intend to This also tells us, that what is important sticking to the
start a new set up.) core of customer & employee eccentricity, keeping
# it will then introduce us Practical issues that one technology in play and keeping the quality
may have to confront. consciousness always high. Those who have leveraged
# it would do a reality check of whether one feels technology to their advantage stood good stead and
passionate about the cause or not. Since it happens those who could not mould their business models
that one may have a gut feel about some work but accordingly had to face the music.
once it actually commences then it may not be to HMV- Music company bowed down where as Sony Still
the taste of the person. In today’s day and age where survives and I dare say it lives strongly.
technology is playing extremely critical role in our Usha Pager–died down whereas WhatsApp still lives on
lives, I must ask myself; owing to continuous tech innovations and adding
features keeping the pulse of the users.
Whether am I conscious of technological CDMA technology died down but GSM still lives on
disruption in the world around me? owning to increased product offering and continuous
up-gradations. This also tells us that traditional way of
The biggest challenge of our times folks is approaching business or work is redundant. I shall now
technological intervention and which has share how the world has changed in banking industry
changed the complexion of entire arena. during last two and a half decades.
Someone who rides technological wave and has When I passed out in 2001 most of my batch mates
basics right shall continue to negate the advantage joined financial sector, few joined IT and fewer telecom.
of the one who has benefit of being present in hubs How things
of businesses. Why I am contending so is because we have changed now Is that all these sectors are in state
may feel that people in USA or China etc. of transition. There has been substantial depletion in
have benefit of being present at the right place. This job opportunities in banking and telecom at least.
however is no more relevant and can be validated by i will share an example to tell you how are jobs getting
a close look at the paradigm change in the top impacted due to technology with a contention that
5 richest persons list during the course of 18 years: these are my personal thoughts. Now one of the studies
The 2001 Forbes list had 4/5 Americans placed cozily: in a leading private sector bank which boasted of its
Bill Gates (IT entrepreneur) excellent customer service was unpleasantly surprised
Warren Buffet (Investor, share trader) when it discovered that human intervention
Paul Allen Gardner (Microsoft Cofounder) proved detrimental to customer experience (delight
Larry Ellison (Founder Oracle Corporation) index) whereas alternate channels gave customers
Karl Albrecht (Founder Super Market Chain Aldi) better satisfaction.
to be continued ..............