
“Mr Dewan called me up the day before the Conference and expressed displeasure of the Vice-President…”

In a press statement, advocate Adish Aggarwala, who is also the co-author of PM Modi’s biographies, said the Congress is calling him ‘Modi bhakt’ and claiming that Pakistani journalist Nusrat Mirza had attended a conference organised by him.

The BJP on Friday backed the fresh claims against former vice president Hamid Ansari brought by Dr Adish Aggarwala, chairman of the All India Bar Association, who claimed that Ansari and Congress leader Jairam Ramesh spoke about a different conference in their statements amid the controversy over a Pakistani journalist’s claim.

Adish Aggarwala issued a press statement on Thursday night claiming that while Ansari and Congress mentioned the International Conference of Jurists on International Terrorism and Human Rights, they did not talk about The International Conference of Jurists on International Terrorism & Human Rights.

“I wish to set out the facts based on records. The International Conference of Jurists on International Terrorism & Human Rights was held on December 11 & 12, 2010 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. The then Vice-President Hamid Ansari had attended the conference. But Nusrat Mirza was neither an invitee, nor had he attended it. Even Nusrat Mirza has not referred to this Conference in his interview. It is recalled that when the aforesaid Conference was being organized, an invitation to attend the Conference had been sent to Mr. Hamid Ansari in his capacity as Vice-President of India. Mr. Ashok Dewan who at that time was working as Director, Vice-President Secretariat had informed me that the Vice-President has desired that Pakistani journalist Mr. Nusrat Mirza be invited to the Conference,” the statement read.
Dr Aggarwala claimed that the “request” was not kept as Mirza was from the media and Pakistan’s judges or lawyers were not invited.

“Mr Dewan called me up the day before the Conference and expressed displeasure of the Vice-President. He also informed me that Mr Hamid Ansari has felt offended and will now attend the inaugural ceremony for only twenty minutes although he had initially agreed to participate in the event for an hour. On the next day, Mr. Ansari left the ceremony after twenty minutes itself as had been informed by Mr Dewan,” the statement read.

Aggarwala said the Congress leaders are trying to “mask the alleged meeting” by making “insinuations and veiled statements on social media that MR Nusrat Mirza had attended the conference organised by me”.

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