Going on a trip with family members and friends seems to have a different sense, especially when travelling by train. Many of us would have had the train experience, which will stay fragrant in our thoughts. A EMU pilot erstwhile Motorman is an individual needed to drive the trains and provide effective monitoring of the trains during transit.
When we are driving a car, we are responsible for ourselves, however, when we drive with our family, we are more vigilant and responsible for all of them. Similarly, the responsibility of thousands of people travelling in trains relies on the motormen. Ensuring their comfort and efficient commute is their primary interest. They are aware that, one error on their part can lead to colossal losses hence, they remain active and concentrated.

Team Café Social interviewed a motorman
from Western Railways who has been in service for 36 years.
Vivek Rozekar is a Western Railway Motorman (loco pilot) in Mumbai. He hails from the Jalgaon district
of Maharashtra. He completed his diploma in electrical engineering and began as a junior engineer in the Central Railways, but was always inspired by his father, who also served the railways. He said, “I always had a dream of driving a train through the suburbs of Bombay. He wanted to serve the people, so he decided if he could not be a soldier, he would become a soldier for civilians”. So, after finishing his diploma,

Vivek decided to follow in his father’s footsteps. After applying again for the Indian Railways, he was accepted as a Direct recruit Motorman. His training culminated in him becoming a qualified driver. Motorman undergoes intensive training and induction to handle challenging situations effectively.
Vivek starts early from Dombivli to catch up with his planned schedule. On average, a normal train carries more than 6,000 commuters. The responsibility for commuting more than 6,000 people rests on the capable shoulders of a motorman, who needs to perform unfailing duties and responsibilities and help connect with places regularly.

edition copy to Mr. Vivek Rozekar
@churchgate Western Railway
Faculty room
Vivek says – “the job of a motorman always needs full concentration, as a result, I always give my full attention to my job.
I am aware of the enormous responsibility that is on my shoulders and always strive to ensure that each journey is as safe and comfortable as possible for the thousands of people I take along.
Do you get festive holidays; smiled Vivek 🙂 and said with a sense of pride thousands of people are waiting there for the train to go to their homes and celebrate Diwali, Holi and Eid etc with their families, do you still want us to stay home? didn’t have any answer to his reply. He added that “My family is aware of the nature of my work and always supports me.” घर मे ड्यूटी नहीं और ड्यूटी मे घर नहीं”। we have to keep all our family affairs aside when we are on duty.
What are your duty hours?
Our work schedules are flexible and based on the planned roaster. Working against nature is necessary; we are trained for it. In Mumbai, the Western Railway is extremely organised and has everything planned outwell in advance. For us, our duty comes first. Be it Eid, Holi or Diwali, helping passengers reach their destinations safely brings me joy, especially during festivals.
What difficulties do you have to face?
We have to face rain, foggy weather, and many more atmospheric conditions, suppressing nature calls, while running. We also have to remain on high alert during our duty hours, as a single mistake can cost us many lives. Despite all of this, we carry on with our duties to serve society and make sure that the journey remains uninterrupted.
You are handling a larger population of Mumbai; how does it feel?
Despite the myriad of challenges and difficulties that Motorman face daily, we carry on with our duties diligently and selflessly. we have to adhere to strict safety regulations while driving the EMU train; we are responsible for the lives of thousands of passengers, and we have to be on alert throughout our duty hours. A true professional, takes great pride in driving the train and ensures that passengers arrive safely at their destination.
What controls do a motorman have on board?
Everything is well defined, planned and in absolute control by the Train Management System (TMS)& the Mobile Train Radio Communication (MTRC): these systems are implemented by Western Railway which enables direct communication between the crew of local trains with the Control Centre. The system is such that it is integrated for management and monitoring of suburban train movements and signalling, as well as planning train routes and diversions. On board we have very hi-tech train acceleration and brake control along with various other control systems.
What safety measures one should take while travelling through local trains?
Dear commuters, please-please while using mobile phones don’t come near the edge of the yellow platform line, stay alert and keep your eyes open. Safety must always be a priority. Even the slightest lapse in concentration could result in a serious accident.

What do you like to do apart from your job?
Western Railway has provided me with several opportunities to learn & grow. Being in the Railway, I participate in sports activities such as going for high altitude mountaineering & trekking expeditions. I enjoy hiking in the mountains and playing cricket with my colleagues in my spare time.
Do you feel respected in your job?
Yes! And I’m most encouraged by the satisfaction of a job well done and the knowledge that I’m assisting people in getting to their destinations safely.
@WesternRly, @indianrailway__ , @MotormenWrmaccg
Team Café Social presents their heartfelt gratitude to the motormen of the Indian Railways for their unwavering commitment and dedication to serving the public of our nation. We are also thankful to the western railways’ CPRO department for arranging this interview.