
Minor killed by four men as he refused to give Rs. 10

New Delhi: Four men were arrested for allegedly killing a minor after he refused to give them Rs 10 for buying a cigarette in central Delhi’s Anand Parbat area, police said on Tuesday.
The accused have been identified as Praveen (20), Ajay (23) and Jatin (24), all residents of Baba Faridpuri, and Sonu Kumar (20), a resident of Anand Parbat, they said.

On Monday, police found the minor’s body lying on the roadside with a stab injury to the upper abdomen near Ramjas School, Anand Parbat, a senior police officer said.

The victim was identified as Vijay, a resident of Anand Parbat, police said.

With the help of CCTV footage and secret informers, all four accused persons were arrested, Deputy Commissioner of Police (central) Shweta Chauhan said.

During interrogation, the accused disclosed that on Sunday, they had an argument with the dead over a cigarette, Mr Chauhan said.

Sonu, who lives in the same area as the victim, asked him to give Rs 10 for buying a cigarette. On refusal, the altercation began, resulting in stabbing of the victim by Sonu, a tailor, and his accomplices, police said.

Praveen worked in a factory as labourer, while Ajay drove commercial vehicles and Jatin was a salesman in a footwear shop, police added.

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