

In the heartland of Madhya Pradesh, amidst the challenges of abject poverty, a determined spirit emerged to rewrite destiny. Manoj Kumar Sharma, an officer of the Indian Police Service (IPS), has become an emblem of triumph over adversity, and his life unfolds as the captivating story of our magazine.

Birth of a Visionary
Born on July 3, 1975, in the modest town of Bilgram, Manoj Kumar Sharma’s early life was marked by financial constraints. His father, Shri Ramveer Sharma, toiled as a farmer, while his mother became the guiding force that propelled him through life’s hardships.

Educational Hurdles and Redemption
Manoj’s educational journey was no easy feat. Cheating his way through exams, he faced a turning point during the 12th exams when an unexpected visit disrupted his plans. However, instead of succumbing to failure, he embraced the setback, with DSP Dushyant Singh playing a crucial role in steering him away from dishonest practices.

Undeterred by initial failures, Manoj transformed his life, excelling academically and earning a B.A. in Hindi and History. Despite setbacks, his dream of becoming a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) persisted, only to be thwarted by unforeseen circumstances.

Triumph over Trials
The cancellation of MPPSC assessments for three years did not break Manoj’s spirit. His journey to becoming an IPS officer was paved with challenges, including unsuccessful attempts at the Civil Services exam. Yet, his unwavering resolve and the support of fellow aspirant Shraddha Joshi propelled him forward. With persistence and determination Manoj eventually secured 121st All India Rank, achieving success in the UPSC exam. The dream that seemed elusive for years materialised as he and Shraddha both cleared the prestigious UPSC exams.

Lights, Camera, Inspiration
Manoj Kumar Sharma’s life story leapt from reality to reel with the release of the biographical film “12th Fail.” Produced, written, and directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra, the film encapsulates the grit and determination that define Manoj’s journey. Released on October 27, 2023, the movie garnered widespread acclaim, earning over `66 crore globally against a `20 crore budget.

The IPS Odyssey
Manoj Kumar Sharma’s life is one that celebrates triumph of tenacity, resilience and an unyielding spirit that defies the odds. There is something for every generation to learn from his success story. Serving as a Deputy Inspector General (DIG) in the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) and later as an Additional Commissioner of Police (ACP) in the Mumbai Police, Manoj has consistently gone above and beyond to ensure the safety and security of the nation. From effectively managing protests to tackling Naxal challenges, Sharma’s commitment to public safety stands as a cornerstone of his service.

Legacy of Resilience
Manoj Kumar Sharma’s story is not just one of personal triumph but a testament to the enduring human spirit. His journey from a small town in Madhya Pradesh to the corridors of power is a beacon of hope for aspiring individuals facing seemingly insurmountable odds. As he currently holds the position of Additional Commissioner in the Mumbai Police, his legacy continues to inspire generations.

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