

No exam result is worth giving up your life. The marks on your report card are not indicators of your potential and talent. If you are feeling low or stressed, talk to your parents, or a friend, or a family member, or a teacher whoever you trust. Please do not feel depressed or frustrated. Depression or any form of frustration lowers your capability. You are not alone. Remember life always gives a second chance. Those asking about your marks today will hardly remember it 10 years henceforth. Failures are the biggest teachers and stepping stones to success.

Whatever said and done, students are under tremendous pressure these days.  With the present syllabus taxing the students with a heavy load of work and too much strain and homework that includes project work children are put to test. To add salt to the wound, additional coaching classes and mid-term tests make the children work overtime and there is no time to rest. Such type of schedule takes a heavy toll on children as they break down during the academic year and some of them going to the extent of committing suicides as well.  The present education pattern is really taxing students and the students need to get some rest before they can think about their next move.

Of course schools are a second home for children where they should learn the way of life apart from the education part. Freedom for students is needed but it should not cross the limits. With love, care and security, we can win the hearts of the students. Children are averse to criticism.

Parents are putting additional pressure on students and a parent who makes an effort to recognise his wards learning style and make use of the same in the proper direction achieve maximum success. It is time for teachers to motivate and inspire children. It is up to parents to make all the difference and work for the betterment of children by working on a strict time schedule and a proper time table to impart knowledge to children.

A study of researchers at the Columbia University in NYC reported that bad parenting may put their children at high risk for anxiety and depression. The examination fever will not allow children to follow the busy cricket season as well. Motivation of children should be the motto of parents without exerting pressure on their children during the examination time.

Students are under tremendous pressure to perform well in the final examination. At this time the student-teacher relationship and the parent – student relationship should touch a new high to move things in a proper direction.

Best wishes to all the students appearing for the examination… Good luck.

Navi Mumbai

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