Page 7 - Cafe-Social-September-2019
P. 7
She is one of the flag bearers of belongs to BJP but he is the best the sugar mill; I have to keep
“Save the daughters Movement” of Prime Minister our country ever had. eyesight from the procurement of
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Not only me but any youth can fall sugarcane till the production of
and is actively involved in educating for him.” sugar. Being a chairman of a cotton
people to save daughters and educate mill, I have to deal with cotton seeds
them. Apart from her father, she Am I a corporate woman or till the spindle of cotton.
admires Prime Minister Shri traditional woman or politician?
Narendra Modi and highly Haha. I am a traditional woman with Sometimes people get surprised a bit
influenced by his passion and a corporate flavour. I believe in my of how I manage so many works
burning desire to serve India. In the culture and traditions and I get efficiently. It can be difficult for
words of Rohini “There can't be power & positivity from it. other people but for me, it is a bit
another person who can be Being a traditional woman doesn't easy as I do believe in people and
compared with Mr. Modi who gave mean I can't manage corporate. invest in human assets instead of
up on everything for his nation and Being a chairman of the bank, I have making investments in property,
doesn't keep even a single moment to keep myself updated with all the money or ornaments. This is a
for himself. Further, I am not his b a n k i n g r e g u l a t i o n s a n d simple mantra of my success.
admirer just because my father administration, being a chairman of
Politics is a means for me to
serve people and I am highly
inspired by Mao Zedong who said,
“Never benefit oneself always
benefit others.